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The missing vowels/234

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The missing vowels/234
Message de marit64 posté le 08-11-2017 à 23:11:12 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, I'm giving you all the numbers of vowels.

1- A fall or dive forwards. ..... (d h r) 3

2- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h c f) 2

3- An arrival of something in great quantities or numbers. ..... (l x f n) 2

4- To prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. ..... (f r t) 3

5- A type of animal similar to a weasel. ..... (t s t) 2

6- To roll about with enjoyment. ..... ( l w l w) 2

7- To change direction suddenly. ..... (r v) 2

8- Very gently and carefully. ..... (r g l n g) 3

9- (Especially of blood, grease etc). To solidify when cooled. ..... (g c l n) 3

10- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ..... (r p g) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Next Wednesday, I'll be absent, so I'll post the exercise on Thursday.

Réponse : The missing vowels/234 de daisy50, postée le 09-11-2017 à 01:18:07 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Phew! It was difficult, but here is my try :

1- A fall or dive forwards. ..... (d h r) 3 header

2- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h c f) 2 chafe

3- An arrival of something in great quantities or numbers. ..... (l x f n) 2 influx

4- To prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. ..... (f r t) 3 refute

5- A type of animal similar to a weasel. ..... (t s t) 2 stoat

6- To roll about with enjoyment. ..... ( l w l w) 2 wallow

7- To change direction suddenly. ..... (r v) 2 veer

8- Very gently and carefully. ..... (r g l n g) 3 gingerly

9- (Especially of blood, grease etc). To solidify when cooled. ..... (g c l n) 3 congeal

10- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ..... (r p g) 2 grope

J'espère ne pas avoir fait trop de fautes car j'ai trouvé l'exercice assez "hard" ce soir.

Have a very nice week and see you soon!

Bonjour à toutes et tous !

Réponse : The missing vowels/234 de flowermusic, postée le 09-11-2017 à 10:58:44 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Hier soir connexion impossible, heureusement j’avais pris une copie.
Salut matinal à la première de la fine équipe

1- A fall or dive forwards. ..... (d h r) 3 header

2- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h c f) 2 chafe

3- An arrival of something in great quantities or numbers. ..... (l x f n) 2 influx

4- To prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. ..... (f r t) 3 refute

5- A type of animal similar to a weasel. ..... (t s t) 2 stoat

6- To roll about with enjoyment. ..... ( l w l w) 2 wallow

7- To change direction suddenly. ..... (r v) 2 veer

8- Very gently and carefully. ..... (r g l n g) 3 gingerly

9- (Especially of blood, grease etc). To solidify when cooled. ..... (g c l n) 3 congeal

10- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ..... (r p g) 2 grope

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/234 de sanna6, postée le 10-11-2017 à 08:52:11 (S | E)

I Thank you for these new words Marit

1- A fall or dive forwards. ... Header - Chute/plongeon (la tête la première)

2- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ...To chafe - Frictionner

3- An arrival of something in great quantities or numbers. ...Influx - Afflux

4- To prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. ....To refute - Réfuter

5- A type of animal similar to a weasel. ...Stoat - Hermine

6- To roll about with enjoyment. ...To wallow - Se complaire

7- To change direction suddenly. ...To veer - Virer

8- Very gently and carefully. ...Gingerly - Avec précaution

9- (Especially of blood, grease etc). To solidify when cooled. ...To congeal - Geler/figer

10- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ...To grope - Tâtonner

I wish a nice week to everybody!

Réponse : The missing vowels/234 de afarodj, postée le 10-11-2017 à 23:22:10 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new exercice.
Hi everybody .

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A fall or dive forwards. ..... (d h r) 3 .- Header.- Piqué- (plongée aérienne - stoop).

2- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. ..... (h c f) 2 .- Chafe.- Frotter.

3- An arrival of something in great quantities or numbers. ..... (l x f n) 2 .- Influx.- Affluence.- Arrivage massif

4- To prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. ..... (f r t) 3 .- Refute.- Récuser.

5- A type of animal similar to a weasel. ..... (t s t) 2 .- Stoat.- Hermine.

6- To roll about with enjoyment. ..... ( l w l w) 2 .- Wallow.- Se rouler.

7- To change direction suddenly. ..... (r v) 2 .- Veer.- Virer.

8- Very gently and carefully. ..... (r g l n g) 3 .- Gingerly- Précautionneusement

9- (Especially of blood, grease etc). To solidify when cooled. ..... (g c l n) 3 .- Congeal.- Coaguler

10- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ..... (r p g) 2 .- .- Grope.- Tâtonner.

Réponse : The missing vowels/234 de swan85, postée le 12-11-2017 à 13:53:36 (S | E)

Hello Marit and Everybody

1- A fall or dive forwards. HEADER (d h r) 3
2- To make warm by rubbing with the hands. CHAFE (h c f) 2
3- An arrival of something in great quantities or numbers. INFLUX (l x f n) 2
4- To prove that (a person, statement etc) is wrong. REFUTE (f r t) 3
5- A type of animal similar to a weasel. STOAT (t s t) 2
6- To roll about with enjoyment. WALLOW ( l w l w) 2
7- To change direction suddenly. VEER (r v) 2
8- Very gently and carefully. GINGERLY (r g l n g) 3
9- (Especially of blood, grease etc). To solidify when cooled. CONGEAL (g c l n) 3
10- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. GROPE (r p g) 2

Thanks a lot for these very interesting words.
See you


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