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The missing vowels/228

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The missing vowels/228
Message de marit64 posté le 28-09-2017 à 04:50:04 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

Once again, the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- Skin cracked and rough. ..... (h p d c p) 2

2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts. ..... (c h b) 2

3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery. ..... (s h r)

4- Food covered with mould. ..... (l m d) 3

5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction. ..... (w s l) 1

6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so. ..... (r s p) 2

7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc. ..... (t m r)

8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells. ..... (l t k n) 2

9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims. ..... (b m s v r) 4

10- Full of, or covered with, fog. ..... (g f g) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/228 de afarodj, postée le 28-09-2017 à 19:42:41 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercice.

Hi everybody

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- Skin cracked and rough. ..... (h p d c p) 2 .-Chapped.- Peau crevassée.

2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts. ..... (c h b) 2 .-Beech.- Hêtre.

3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery. ..... (s h r) .-Hearse.- Corbillard.

4- Food covered with mould. ..... (l m d) 3 .-Mouldy.- Moisi

5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction. ..... (w s l) 1 .-Slew.-Balancer.

6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so. ..... (r s p) 2 .-Usurp.-Déposséder.

7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc. ..... (t m r) .-Meter.- Compteur.

8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells. ..... (l t k n) 2 .-Tinkle.- Tinter.

9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims. ..... (b m s v r) 4 .-Semibreve.- Ronde.

10- Full of, or covered with, fog. ..... (g f g) 2 .-Foggy.- Brumeux.

Modifié par afarodj le 28-09-2017 22:12

Réponse : The missing vowels/228 de sanna6, postée le 28-09-2017 à 21:15:13 (S | E)

Thank you very much for this new missing vowels Marit

1- Skin cracked and rough. ...Chapped - Gercé

2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts. ... Beech - Hêtre

3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery. ...Hearse - Corbillard

4- Food covered with mould. ...Mouldy - Moisi

5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction. ..... (w s l) 1

6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so. ...To usurp - Usurper

7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc. ... Meter - Compteur

8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells. ...To tinkle - Sonner

9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims. ...Semibreve - Ronde

10- Full of, or covered with, fog. ...foggy - Brumeux

Happy week everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels/228 de daisy50, postée le 03-10-2017 à 11:21:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- Skin cracked and rough. ..... (h p d c p) 2 chapped

2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts. ..... (c h b) 2 beech

3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery. ..... (s h r) hearse

4- Food covered with mould. ..... (l m d) 3 mouldy

5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction. ..... (w s l) 1 slew

6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so. ..... (r s p) 2 usurp

7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc. ..... (t m r) meter

8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells. ..... (l t k n) 2 tinkle

9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims. ..... (b m s v r) 4 semibreve

10- Full of, or covered with, fog. ..... (g f g) 2 foggy

Thanks a lot Marit for this new exercise. It is always really interesting!

See you later.

Réponse : The missing vowels/228 de flowermusic, postée le 03-10-2017 à 18:25:03 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- Skin cracked and rough. ..... (h p d c p) 2 chapped

2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts. ..... (c h b) 2 beech

3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery. ..... (s h r) hearse

4- Food covered with mould. ..... (l m d) 3 mouldy

5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction. ..... (w s l) 1 slew

6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so. ..... (r s p) 2 usurp

7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc. ..... (t m r) meter

8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells. ..... (l t k n) 2 tinkle

9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims. ..... (b m s v r) 4 semibreve

10- Full of, or covered with, fog. ..... (g f g) 2 foggy

Have a sweetsweet week and see you soon !!!

Réponse : The missing vowels/228 de chocolatcitron, postée le 04-10-2017 à 23:51:28 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit !
Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
1- Skin cracked and rough. (h p d c p) 2 chapped = gercé.
2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts. (c h b) 2 beech = hêtre.
3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery. (s h r) hearse = corbillard.
4- Food covered with mould. (l m d) 3 mouldy = moisi.
5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction. (w s l) 1 slew = pivoter.
6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so. (r s p) 2 usurp = usurper.
7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc. (t m r) meter = compteur.
8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells. (l t k n) 2 thinkle = tintement.
9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims. (b m s v r) 4 semibrève = ronde.
10- Full of, or covered with, fog. (g f g) 2 foggy = brumeux.

Thank you very much for our great Wednesday's meeting, Autumn has come... !
Have a very sweet and sunny week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/228 de peticha, postée le 05-10-2017 à 00:15:31 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit !
Hi everybody!

Here is my try:
1- Skin cracked and rough..... (h p d c p) 2 chapped = gercé, crevassé.
2- A kind of forest tree with smooth silvery bark and small nuts..... (c h b) 2 beech = hêtre.
3- A car used for carrying a dead body in a coffin to a cemetery..... (s h r) hearse = corbillard.
4- Food covered with mould..... (l m d) 3 mouldy = moisi, pourri.
5- To (cause to) turn or swing in a certain direction..... (w s l) 1 slew = pivoter.
6- To take (another person's power, position etc) without the right to do so..... (r s p) 2 usurp = usurper.
7- An instrument for measuring, especially quantities of electricity, gas, water etc..... (t m r) meter = compteur.
8- To (cause to) make a sound of or like, the ringing of small bells..... (l t k n) 2 thinkle = tintement.
9- In music, a note equal in length to two minims..... (b m s v r) 4 semibrève = ronde. (funny! ...)
10- Full of, or covered with, fog..... (g f g) 2 foggy = brumeux, purée de pois...

Thank you for your new exercise, I like it!
Have a sweet and warm week!
So long.


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