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Aide/lettre de motivation

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Aide/lettre de motivation
Message de russeenitalie posté le 13-09-2017 à 10:41:51 (S | E | F)
Cher tous,
Je me permets de poster sur ce forum afin de recueillir l'aide de nos super bilingues !
Une amie russe très proche souhaite réaliser son rêve et partir étudier en Italie 6 mois, elle m'a envoyé sa lettre de motivation; cependant je trouve qu'elle est assez répétitive et parfois mal rédigée.
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger voire remplacer certaines phrases par d'autres afin de rendre cette petite russe heureuse.
Merci à tous d'avance...

Dear Sir, Madam,
With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at xxx.

My name is Aleksandra and I am currently the 3nd year bachelor student at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". Im studying at the Department of Foreign Languages, majoring in foreign languages and intercultural communication. I enjoy studying at my faculty, however, l am fully aware that coming across the exchange program would help me to become more competent in sphere of cross-cultural communication and intemational relations. That's why I wish I could spend a semester in xxx University.
I should say that I have had chances to visit ltaly during last 10 years and after very first journey I came up with the idea that living in ltaly for some time to better understand its culture and people is what I aspire. Moreover, having an opportunity to study there, especially at xxx University is considered to be the most valuable experience to get the opportunity to meet students from all over the world and learn about their cultures and values. I have always considered myself as a citizen of the world, moreover, I have been in 42 countries and since am curious about different eultures I try to acquire knowledges and broad my mind plunging in a diversity of cultures, views and places.
I have been studying English since childhood so now I don't have any obstacles while speaking it. Today my aim is to learn the Italian language, l have been learning it for a year and a half with native speaker professor and as far as know xxx has a great variety of language courses and I'm eager to take the advantage of this opportunity. The fact that attracts my attention is that University of Bologna has a strong international reputation and very high academic standards.
I set my heart on studying at the xxx University. After having gone through the list of courses offered there in English, found that there are disciplines, which undoubtedly will be valid within my study program and future career.
Since my childhood Im trying to take up new things, be engaged in different projects, meet new people and enlarge my experience, moving forward for me is much better than standing still. Nevertheless, I am a committed and determined student able to comply with the standards and meet the deadlines.

To sum it up, my expectations of getting high-quality education is strong and there is no place for any anxiety. I will try to do my best to become a perfect exchange student and take all the responsibilities as seriously as possible.
Sincerely yours,

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-09-2017 12:46


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