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Reflexive pronoun/Help (1)

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Reflexive pronoun/Help
Message from mah posted on 15-07-2017 at 10:35:56
Hi Hello,
She took the dog with her or herself? And Why please?
Best regards.

Edited by lucile83 on 15-07-2017 12:24

Edited by lucile83 on 22-07-2017 23:28
The forum is not a place where you can have an argument. Please use the messages for that.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by lemagemasque, posted on 15-07-2017 at 12:31:07
"She took the dog with her" because she doesn't take herself on a lead.
We say :
I wash myself
I look at myself in the mirror (my face is the object of my looking at the mirror)
We look at each other (She looks at me (not myself) and I look at her (not herself))
I did it myself
I did it by myself.
But :
He washes the baby/He washes it (not itself)
He looked at me.
We look at ourselves (I look at myself (not me) and she looks at herself (not her)
See you!

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by here4u, posted on 16-07-2017 at 18:52:09
Hello !
No, Lemage, you shouldn't say "I wash myself!" ... But could say it if you were 2 because then it would be an achievement... at your age, it no longer is! You simply "wash"!
I've just finished a lesson about that point (test 116445)

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by lemagemasque, posted on 19-07-2017 at 17:50:11

This is what I wrote to mah in response to her PM:
Hello, mah
It's not very common - wash (or 'get washed') is more often used - but it can be used sometimes.
It was rather introduced as an example of the use of myself. It's not a complete sentence : The nurses gave me some shaving foam and I shaved myself (because her question was also about shave)
Best regards.

See you!

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by here4u, posted on 20-07-2017 at 07:42:05
Hello !
Let's be careful about the choice of the examples we give... Learners usually remember the one exception that shouldn't have been used... Have a wonderful holiday.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by anglophone92, posted on 20-07-2017 at 13:10:06
We say "She took the dog with her"
Good luck

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by zilazila, posted on 20-07-2017 at 14:01:28
"She took the dog with her" is correct.
You can see this page. It will help you a lot.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by mah, posted on 22-07-2017 at 17:06:20
Hello everybody!
My question was Never about Shave. It was his own example! Please check my PM again! Thanks.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by mah, posted on 22-07-2017 at 17:12:16
Hello everybody!
Thank you my good friends for your answers, but mostly I wanted to know the reason of your answer.
Any way my friend , my PM was not about Shave ! Please check it out. You will see that I'm right. It was your own example not mine. Best wishes.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by lemagemasque, posted on 22-07-2017 at 18:29:11
Hello mah!
I don't see any reason for talking up... May I suggest you respect the people here?
We're not allowed to show others a private message but if you don't mind, I can post it on the forum.
See you!

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by mah, posted on 22-07-2017 at 18:56:03
Hello! But I'd said we canNot use these verbs with Reflexive pronouns! Best regards!.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by lemagemasque, posted on 22-07-2017 at 19:15:35
I don't like liars. You asked me if I were correct about my use of "wash myself" because you had read that wash, dress and shave were incompatible with reflexive pronouns in English. I told you it was not the normal way we used them BUT they could be used in sentences like "The nurses gave me some shaving foam and I shaved myself (not them)" and "I want to dress myself. I'm old enough".
End of discussion. Thanks. I think you've got your answer. Bye.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by mah, posted on 22-07-2017 at 19:36:46

Edited by lucile83 on 22-07-2017 23:25
Your picture doesn't mean anything here.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by mah, posted on 22-07-2017 at 19:37:50

Edited by lucile83 on 22-07-2017 23:26
Your picture doesn't mean anything here.

Re: Reflexive pronoun/Help by here4u, posted on 22-07-2017 at 20:08:19
Hello mah!
Yes, as lemage said you CAN use these verbs with a reflexive pronoun. He gave the example of shaving alone while in hospital, which may be an achievement when you have a broken hand or when you've just been operated on.
You've had your answers, and they're right.

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